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Vision and mission

The Society of Somatic Experiencing Slovenia (hereinafter SES) is a non-profit professional organization that works in the field of awareness and information about trauma and the promotion of professional work with the consequences of trauma. Under its umbrella, it brings together various psychotherapists and other experts who work with people in various work environments and who have completed a three-year training in the Somatic Experiencing method (hereafter SE) or are still in the process of training.

The SES Society is a member of the European Association for Somatic Experiencing® - EASE.


Mission of SES

Raising awareness and educating the professional and lay public about the nature of trauma, its prevention, its consequences, and ways of dealing with trauma in a professional and personal environment.

Support, promotion, association of SE experts and promotion of their professional growth.


Vision of SES

Our vision is to spread expert knowledge about trauma in the field of education, healthcare, social care, justice and other industries where work with people is at the fore, and among people who want to use this knowledge in their personal lives.

The goal we are working towards is a trauma-informed professional public who, with the acquired knowledge, offers better support and treatment of people, and a lay public who has the tools to deal with their own trauma or the trauma of loved ones.

Because we are aware that trauma begets trauma and that it is transmitted from generation to generation, we want to spread the idea that each of us can take a small step or a few steps to heal ourselves and thereby also to the treatment of the community

The final goal we want is a Slovenian space that is informed about trauma, that understands, respects and supports people in the public and private sphere.



In accordance with our vision and mission, the activities of our association include professionals and the general public.


For the general public:

implementation and organization of trainings on trauma and the nervous system;

raising awareness among the general public about the existence, characteristics and mechanisms of trauma and its impact on an individual's life through various media;

connecting users and qualified SE practitioners for individual or group work on the consequences of trauma.


For SE professional public:

support, promotion and association of experts who have passed the SE method certification or are still in the training process;

promotion of professional level and growth of SES members;

the organization of professional SE trainings and thus the promotion of continuous professional development for work with the consequences of trauma;

cooperation with other experts and professional associations in the field of trauma at home and abroad.


For the general professional public:

implementation of trainings on the characteristics of trauma for users in specific professional environments and on trauma-informed work methods;

carrying out interviews for experts who want to receive guidance in working with specific users;

raising awareness and educating the professional public about secondary traumatization at the workplace and about sources of support.

The SES Society is a member of the European Association for Somatic Experiencing® - EASE.

Who are we?


Ivona Ljubičić

President, member of the Management Board


Ivana Vusilović

Vice-president, member of the Management Board


Vesna Myrtle

Treasurer, member of the Management Board


Brigita Pirc

Control room

"The body has a built-in capacity to renew and repair itself over and over again through processes of continuous self-regeneration. The same rules also apply to healing our psyche and soul."
dr. Peter Levine

Somatic Experiencing® Slovenia

Registry number: 2728125000

Account opened at: Delavska hranilnica dd

SI56 6100 0002 9086 282

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